The S.R.C plays a substantial role in the life of the students. It is the liaison between the student body and the college authorities. It provides a platform for students to discuss their welfare and address their problems where possible. When problems cannot be solved they are passed on for attention of college authorities.
- The college recognizes the SRC as the only legitimate representative organ of the student body as a whole.
- The SRC should make representations to the authority of the college on matters affecting the student body as a whole.
- The SRC shall be governed by constitution promulgated by the principal. All students are required to participate fully in all SRC activities.
- Properties belonging to the SRC must be used ONLY for the purpose for which they are prescribed.
Students Association
All students belong to the Ghana Nurses and Midwives’ Trainee Association (GNMTA), a national association and Greater-Accra Association of Health Training Institution (GAHTI). The latter comprises all health institutions in the Greater Accra Region. Both associations have annual meetings, and games and sports competitions among member institution. All students are encouraged to participate in these activities.
- Students are free to form associations or clubs except where such associations or clubs will interfere in the peace and safety of the institution.
- Application for the formation of a club/society should be forwarded to the principal through the tutor in charge of welfare, through the SRC Patrons. The application should state the name of the club or society, names of the founding members/officers and patrons. It should also include the constitution of the club or society and its proposed activities.
- Every approved society/club must have a senior member of the college as its patron.
- Before arrangements are made to invite guest speakers or artists from outside the college to address meetings or give entertainment, a formal written request must be made through the patron to the principal. No such invitation should be made until permission is granted by the principal.
- Societies/clubs whose activities contravenes the rules and regulations of the college or breach the peace of the college shall be postponed or banned.
- Formation of ethnic groups or organization is NOT ALLOWED in the school
Since the college is non-sectarian, students enjoy religious freedom. There are various religious grouping and fellowships all over the Korle Bu community within walking distance. These as well as churches in neighbouring communities provide the spiritual needs of the students.